Jens Sage

Telling contemporary narratives through film.

African Face, Colonial Tongue

In our globalized world we grow closer to each other and share more common values. But we also lose some distinct individual traits like language. Serati grew up with the colonial language of Queens English. 

The film takes you on her search for origin and the mother tongue of her parents and ancestors.

Currently in post production.

Visit the Project

Starring Serati Maseko
DP: Sebastian Sellner
Edit: Helge Neidhardt
Photographer: Steve Marais


In our everyday life we rarely step back to contemplate what we are chasing or what we are living for. On one summer day in the streets of Cape Town we asked strangers one question about life and they shared with us deeply motiviational and spirited answers.

Currently in post production.

DP: Sebastian Sellner
Edit: Helge Neidhardt

Es Ist Okay

Two generations of musicians came together to create a modern interpretation of an iconic german pop song. The music video is a celebration of youth, life and lends some character from the time when the original song came to be.

Starring Herbert Grönemeyer, Ace Tee, Ebow, Balbina
DP: Jakob Reinhardt
Edit: Peter Schulz


Watch The Music Video
Step up for each other

commisioned work for Comma

Starring @farnoushhamidians, @amanda_booth, @matyndiaye__ @giedre.dukauskaite


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What are you proud of?

commisioned work for Comma

Starring @tasha_tilberg @valentts @afra.wb @houjingcui

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Gurlz With Curlz


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Cai Er 采耳

A sonic journey on the sound of hair. 

Direction and cinematography: Rosa Li Di Natale & Jens Sage


Watch the film on our studio oggi portfolio